Thursday, November 17, 2011

Greater Good **Spoilers for Doctor Who and Torchwood**

In World Cultures III, we are going through the age of Enlightenment and going into Modernity. Tomorrow's readings are reports about the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings. One of the authors asks this question in an example. Imagine there is a war, a huge war and what if the only way that it come to end soon (no definite end, only soon) is for us to kill hundreds of thousands of children...and only then, we could probably end the war, saving more lives than the hundreds of thousands of children (Mapping of the Modern World 134).

It seems to me that this question is always going to be asked, especially in the time of war. But being the Doctor Who nerd that I am, I see this as the question that the Doctor has to answer a thousand times over. Captain Jack Harkness has a similar situation where he has to also deal with the gray area in a time of crisis. The Doctor has to give up something dear in order to preserve the safety of the rest of the beings on earth. Jack has to do the exact thing in Children of Earth. He has to decide whether to let 10% of all the children of the earth to go and become victims of the 456 (creepy alien) or sacrifice someone close and dear to him. This is another gray area in life where you need wisdom more than anything. It's a hard situation and near impossible to know what you would do in such a position. I honestly hope that I am never put in a position where I have to make such a decision because I am sure that I will make the selfish choice rather think of the greater good of the world.

Beginning again...

Starting a blog is no big deal. Keeping up with a blog is a totally different story. I'm horrible about keeping up with such things. It's like a journal...sorta. I can't even stay committed to a journal. I think this is where I lack focus and dedication. Something I clearly need to work on. :-)

So far, sophomore year has been very busy. Busier than freshman year which makes me slightly confused. I'm only taking 5 classes, but the professors decide to dump 20+ pages of reading on you each night. Though the subjects interest me, the reading is a lot. I don't even have time to watch my Doctor Who on a whim. I know, it's devastating. (I have to actually schedule Doctor Who time into my planner. My planner is so looks like a pen threw up all over the pages. True story.)

Another thing that has come to my mind lately is what I want to do with my Anthropology major. Do I want to do archaeology? Do I want to do anthropology? Do I want to do Egyptology? I have 2 and a half years left here at university. I think I have time to figure that out. Just taking one day at a time. It's how you get by.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sophomore Year

So it has begun! Sophomore Year is here and so far it is amazing! I love being a Sophomore. I have already done so much and it is only the second day. I've been a Welcome Week leader at Baylor University. What I love about Baylor that I want to pass along to my fellow students who are incoming freshman, is the fact that we, current students of Baylor, wish for you to have the smoothest transition onto the campus and into the community at Baylor. I hope that I have done my job well.

I had a blast at Welcome Week...if I could say it, I would say I think I had more fun than the freshman. I love my group. They are bright men and women ready to conquer this world. Class of 2015, welcome to Baylor. I extend a hand if you ever need help. I hope that you have a fantastic freshman year. :D

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Early Mornings and Sunrises

My summer vacation began this morning at 4 o'clock in the morning. Yes, 4:00 a.m. By 5:30 a.m., my family was on the road to Houston to take a plane to Newark, New Jersey, across the river from New York. From Newark, we could take a small plane to Providence, Rhode Island.

We go every summer to the New England area to visit family. This includes cooler weather, days at the beach, lots of photography, Dunkin Donuts, and family reunions.

As I was riding in the car, I was watching the sun rise at the east of Highway 6. It was beautiful. The sky was lit up with yellows, pinks, and oranges. It was something so unique that it could only be a Texas sunrise.

I will be keeping this blog as updated as possible these next three weeks that I'm on vacation. From tonight to the last night, August 2nd, there will be updates here on my activites, photos of the places I will be, and if you want a postcard...leave a comment and I'll email you for your mail address.


Thursday, June 9, 2011

What I Wanna Be When I Grow Up!

When I ask kids that are about 5 years old, barely starting kindergarten, I get answers like "A fire-fighter!" "A princess!" "A ballerina!" "A superhero!" The list could go on forever. No little kid is going to say "Defense attorney" or "Librarian" or even "Psychologist."

Did the adults of my childhood stick with what they wanted to be when they began to grow up? Most certainly not. For myself, I changed my mind at least five different times and even then there is some variations of one job that I could choose a career from. However, I'm not finished growing up.

When I was 10, I wanted to be a veterinarian. That aspiration lasted about a year. I changed that aspiration to large animal vet like James Herriot, the famous large animal vet in England. That lasted about a year. The next thing I wanted to be was a defense attorney. I was 12 so I didn't exactly know what a defense attorney did. So then I changed my career aspiration again. This time I wanted to be a constitutional lawyer. That also lasted maybe about 6 months.

My last career aspiration was to be an archaeologist. I got the inspiration from Indiana Jones (I'm being honest.) Throughout high school, I focused on studying the classics in history, language, art, and culture. I studied Latin and Greek and my love of history blossomed. I'm going to be an archaeologist when I grow up...if I grow up. :-)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

African Animals and Landscapes

My mom holds art camps every year and I usually contribute to her art camps by creating examples to inspire the kids.

Here is another of my projects:

"Lone Zebra of Pride Rock"

Sunday, June 5, 2011

I wish I could Write Poetry

Of everything in the world, I wish I could write poetry. You know more than "I was a poet, And I didn't know it." Or something like that. I wish I could bring my thoughts together in some lyric iambic pentameter and create something that made sense to someone. My best friend is brilliant at creating poetry out of her head, pulling from her feelings and abstract thoughts that make perfect sense when they come onto the page (Trust me, I have a whole book full of her little couplets that she's written.) I'm not. Another of my friends is writing a story of a man who is pulled into an unbelievable world. He's able to bring in imagination and combine it with philosophy, cheesy science-fiction references, and logic, that seems almost like something from a Lewis Carroll novel or from that movie The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus.

I can't seem to bring my mind to think outside the box. When I write, I seem to fashion a character, who seems to closely resemble me, either in the appearance I write or the personality that I assigned to them, mannerisms that make their ways from my mind to my pen (or fingertips) to the page. Somehow I cannot escape from writing somewhat biographically. It is a vulnerable position because I am in a position to be judged by how I interpret events when I put them down on the page.

If any of my readers have any ideas on how to think outside the box and create something like a Lewis Carroll or a Brian Jacques book, email me. :-) It is one of my goals to become somewhat creative with a pen and not just able to write feelings.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Doctor Who

Something you probably already know about me, but I'm going to tell you anyways is that I love the UK science-fiction show, Doctor Who. I absolutely adore that show. My favorite Doctor is David Tennant's Doctor, the 10th regeneration of the Doctor. However....Matt Smith is amazing! Season 6 is blowing my mind!!! Season 5 did a great job introducing Matt Smith to the world, but Season 6 is moving forward at such a fast pace, it is truly amazing me.

Matt Smith is most definitely my second favorite Doctor. However, it is becoming a rather close second to David Tennant.

If you haven't already, make sure you watch "Rebel Flesh" and "The Almost People." These two episodes have been the best so far of Season 6, but all the episodes have been amazing so far. Each week, I count down to Saturdays when Doctor Who airs on BBC America.


Art has been apart of my life since...I could talk. My mom is an artist. Last week, my mom held an art camp for little kindergarteners. The theme was Coral Reefs. For the next two weeks, my mom will teach three different camps: a pirate themed camp, a coral reef themed camp, and an African landscape and animal themed camp. I usually do some examples to inspire the kids with ideas. I am not as good as my mom. :-) But I was very proud of my pieces this year. So here are three that I've scanned in.

 "Mr. Cotton's Parrot"
 "Circle of Life"
"Privateer of the High Seas"

Just a little proud of my work. :-)

Friday, June 3, 2011


What is a family? Technically (anthropologically) the word "family" is defined as "families are universal in cultures, but their definition and dynamics are changing. A very inclusive definition is two or more people who define themselves as a family. Also see "extended family," "nuclear family,"" ( More specifically, a "nuclear family" is "a woman and/or husband and dependent children" ( An "extended family" includes relations on either side of the parents. The dictionary definition of family is "a basic social unit consisting of parents and their children, considered as a group, whether dwellingtogether or not: the traditional family." (

So that's the technical side of that word. The other side is more emotional.

Over the past year, I spent my days at Baylor University. The school is about an hour and a half away from my hometown. Being away from my family was rough. I had to get used to being on my own and then get used to going back into the family unit. My family is not just a unit. My family is my family. 

Now everyone says that, but what is cool about my family is that when we sit down for a family dinner, it is one of the noisiest occasions I have ever attended. We laugh at one another for silly quotes. We catch up on everyone's day. We discuss different aspects of our world (culture, especially...we all do musical theatre :) except my brother.) But I get this feeling every time I looked around the table that each one of us would stand up for one another if anyone tried to bash one of our own.

I thought about this while I was watching an NCIS episode titled "Twisted Sister." In this episode Special Agent Tim McGee goes above and beyond all protocol in order to prove his sister is not guilty and protect her integrity as a person. He stands up to the director of NCIS and says" Forgive me Director, for not putting the integrity of NCIS before my sister! (he pulls out his badge and gun and puts them on the table) It won't happen again. (he walks out)" ( It is important for me to put my family before everything material in my life, except my faith. For me, the important things in life are my faith and my family.

Some of you who know me well are probably thinking "Why is she posting about her family?" "We already know her family's important to her." There is another family that is important me. My church family. Here is just one example of how great the Family of God has blessed my own family.

Today, my mom had surgery. She had a laparoscopic surgery and a biopsy on something in her abdomen that shouldn't be there. My mom had awful abdominal pains for the past couple weeks. The surgery was to make sure that whatever was in her abdomen was not cancerous. Now my mother is superwoman. ;-) at least, she is in my eyes. But surgeries make her nervous and the anesthesia makes her feel sick. However, today my God proved that He is a mighty God in that he was gracious towards my mum. The surgery went well and my mom is walking around and not feeling sick at all from the anesthesia. 

When my mom got home, my siblings swarmed around her asking all the questions "Are you all right? How was the surgery? How do you feel? Were you okay in surgery?" My family rallied around her. We stick together. We look out for our own. 

But it's not just our single family unity that blows my mind. The Family of God, his Church blows my mind. My mom said on the phone to one of her friends this evening that when the Body of Christ prays, powerful things happen. Today a powerful thing happened. My mom has been able to walk around and to eat a smoothie not even a day out of surgery. Thank you all for praying for my family. There is a power in prayer. There is also a power in the prayer of God's people. God listened to the prayers of his people and was gracious to my mom in her time of need. Thank you all for praying for my mom. I can not tell you how much it means to me.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sixx AM "Skin"

"Paint yourself a picture
Of what you wish you looked like
Maybe then they just might
Feel an ounce of your pain

Come into focus
Step out of the shadows
It's a losing battle
There's no need to be ashamed

Cause they don't even know you
All they see is scars
They don't see the angel
Living in your heart

Let them find the real you
Buried deep within
Let them know with all you've got
That you are not your skin


When they start to judge you
Show them your true colors
And do onto others
As you'd have done to you

Just rise above this
Kill them with your kindness
Ignorance is blindness
They're the ones that stand to lose

'Cause they don't even know you
All they see is scars
They don't see the angel
Living in your heart

Let them find the real you
Buried deep within
Let them know with all you got
That you are not your skin


Well they don't even know you
All they see is scars
They don't see the angel
Living in your heart

Let them find the real you
Buried deep within
Let them know with all you've got
That you are not
That you are not your skin


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Starting Something New

So whenever I start something a blog, or a book, or writing a new story, or even a new job, I get very, very, very nervous. Am I going to like doing/reading/working this blog or book or story or job? Will I be good at any of those things? Will I be able to finish? I usually don't sleep very well the night before.

Today I started a new job. Completely new, no experience with the co-workers, new environment, new everything. Last night, I tossed and turned the entire night, waking up at random hours like 4:45 and 5:14 in the morning. However, the new job is actually slightly fun...well, the people are. Basically I sit behind a desk for 3 and a half hours in the afternoon and hope that someone comes in with something for me to do. It's a great kick-off for my summer, which started out not so busy. But with work, classes, and family, this summer might turn into one of my busiest ever. :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Quoting Shakespeare

If you cannot understand my argument, and declare "It's Greek to me", you are quoting Shakespeare; if you claim to be more sinned against than sinning, you are quoting Shakespeare; if you recall your salad days, you are quoting Shakespeare; if you act more in sorrow than in anger, if your wish is father to the thought, if your lost property has vanished into thin air, you are quoting Shakespeare; if you have ever refused to budge an inch or suffered from green-eyed jealousy, if you have played fast and loose, if you have been tongue-tied, a tower of strength, hoodwinked or in a pickle, if you have knitted your brows, made a virtue of necessity, insisted on fair play, slept not one wink, stood on ceremony, danced attendance (on your lord and master), laughed yourself into stitches, had short shrift, cold comfort or too much of a good thing, if you have seen better days or lived in a fool's paradise - why, be that as it may, the more fool you, for it is a foregone conclusion that you are (as good luck would have it) quoting Shakespeare; if you think it is early days and clear out bag and baggage, if you think it is high time and that that is the long and short of it, if you believe that the game is up and that truth will out even if it involves your own flesh and blood, if you lie low till the crack of doom because you suspect foul play, if you have your teeth set on edge (at one fell swoop) without rhyme or reason, then - to give the devil his due - if the truth were known (for surely you have a tongue in your head) you are quoting Shakespeare; even if you bid me good riddance and send me packing, if you wish I were dead as a door-nail, if you think I am an eyesore, a laughing stock, the devil incarnate, a stony-hearted villain, bloody-minded or a blinking idiot, then - by Jove! O Lord! Tut, tut! for goodness' sake! what the dickens! but me no buts - it is all one to me, for you are quoting Shakespeare. (The Story of English, 145)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Defying Gravity...yes, I'm flying solo!

Defying Gravity...inspirational in the title alone. This might possibly be my favorite Broadway show-tune. It tells the hopes and dreams of two best friends soaring above the status quo and the equilibrium of image and what looks right and doing right to look good. When I think of this song, I want to be on a broom, flying through the air with the wind blowing through my air, with no worries of being held down by social standards, but flying above those and being myself with my best friends, Kara, Hannah, Danielle, and my mom, next to me. Together, we can do anything and I believe that.

So if you care to find me
Look to the western sky!
As someone told me lately:
"Ev'ryone deserves the chance to fly!"
And if I'm flying solo
At least I'm flying free
To those who'd ground me
Take a message back from me
Tell them how I am
Defying gravity
I'm flying high
Defying gravity
And soon I'll match them in renown
And nobody in all of Oz
No Wizard that there is or was
Is ever gonna bring me down!
                 -Elphaba, "Defying Gravity" Wicked: A New Musical.

Running and Stepping Out

So I am running a 5K next Saturday through Cameron Park with Xterra. It kind of freaked me out to realize that it's only a week away. I'm planning a long run tomorrow afternoon/evening sometime. But even so, I have no idea what I'm doing. All I know is that I'm running. I'm running as fast and as hard as I can and surviving. When I run, I feel happy, at least if the weather is clear. I'm kinda nervous because I know that it might be harder than anything I have ever done before. I'm hoping that I will be able to finish. 

So RUF (Reformed University Fellowship) is participating in Stepping Out on Saturday. For my Aggie friends, it's kind of like Big Event, except there is this novelty called the Baylor Bubble and Stepping Out is a literal stepping out into the Waco community and helping the Wacoans for a Saturday morning. I've participated in Big Event before when I was in high school. Aggie students came to my house two years in a row and helped clear out behind our garage and build up garden beds. 

I am excited to be able to do something like this for the community here. And I'm even more excited to do it with my RUF friends. It's giving back to the community with our time and energy that we might be able to make a difference on Waco and those who live here.

Monday, April 4, 2011


"And when the night has finally gone.
And when we see the new day dawn.
We'll wonder how we wandered for so long, so blind.
The wasted world we thought we knew,
The light will make it look brand new.
So let it shine!!" - "Light" Next to Normal

In a way, this can be how we looked upon our world before the Light of the world came into our lives. There was a wasted world, but the Light will make it look brand new when He comes in glory!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Church Pew or Bar Stool

This is the title of one of the Jason Aldean songs, from his album, My Kinda Party. Yes, it's a country song.

The setting of the song is a small country town. You know, like the one street, one red light. There's a verbal picture given in the lyrics of a mom-and-pop restaurant with the same four tricks out front on Friday night.

What really struck me in this song was the only two stereotypes that the town will accept. If you're not one or the other, you stick out and you confuse the other people in the town. You kinda feel like an outsider. There is a loneliness with dreaming big dreams of getting out of the small town.
When you don't seem to run on either side of the fence
People act like you don't make sense
These big town dreams that I've been chasing
Will never come true if I wind up staying
And I don't want to fall in, the same rut
That everybody here seems to be stuck in now
Why do I hang around
In this church pew or bar stool kind of town
                                -chorus, "Church Pew or Bar Stool", Jason Aldean My Kinda Party

You're either in a church pew or in a bar stool. You can't be both. You're stuck between these two sides. You want to get out if this kinda town, knowing you will be stuck there if you stay. You'll fall in the same rut of the people of the town, either sitting in the church pew judging the people on the bar stool, or on the bar stool judging the people in the church pew. You know that you'll fall and get stuck in the same routine of the rest of  the town, adding your truck to the 4 trucks outside that restaurant on Friday nights.

Dream BIG! Don't settle for the stereotypes. Utilize what you have been given by God, your talents, your personality, your will and motivation to work harder and pursue what God has put in your life. Dream BIG! Don't settle for less. For me, dreaming BIG and using the tools God has given me is glorifying God with all my energy. DREAM BIG!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Baylor Dance Company

So I just finished a practice with the Baylor Dance Company. We have finished dances and we are running them and having last minute rehearsals for small detail clean-up. I can't tell you how excited I am to be apart of this. Even though I'm just in two dances, I am super excited. All my friends have told me how excited they are...I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. But anyways this is my little shout-out to get people to come.

Hey ya'll, there is this cool thing going on Saturday at 7pm and Sunday at 2pm. It's the Baylor Dance Company Spring Showcase. It's gonna be pretty awesome, not gonna lie. There are a lot of dances, choreographed by company members and guest choreographers. The company members have been a lot of time into this and it looks great. It's $5 dollars for Baylor students and $7 dollars for non-Baylor students. There are also guest performances of a choreography class here at Baylor as well as a tap performance from Baylor students. There are other performances from a local studio in town: Joy's School of Dance (where I work.) It really is gonna be good. If you need more information, there should be fliers around campus and look out for chalking Thursday. And if you see lots of girls walking around with purple t-shirts with a Baylor Dance Company on it, ask them for information. =)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bearathon 2011

This morning at 8 o'clock (or 7 o'clock) Baylor Student Foundation kicked off the Bearathon 2011.

I did not run the half-marathon or the 5k, but I did stand on the sidelines and cheered for each of my friends who ran as they crossed the finish line. My friend, Jamie, and I had posters for all our friends who ran! They were pretty awesome posters, not gonna lie! :)

I did not run the half marathon or the 5k, but I was still inspired to begin to run myself. My only problem was motivating myself to begin training. So I set myself a goal. I'm thinking of training for: which goes through Cameron Park. It is April 16, 2011. It is a a 20K, a 10K, and a 5K. I'm thinking of training for the 5K in a month. It seems like the perfect weekend. I will be able to create the right stamina and endurance for 3.2 miles or so and I will be able to dance for 7 minutes and not be tired like usual.

So my purpose for this blog post are to get your thoughts, especially if you are a runner. What are your thoughts? I would really like to know if you think I am capable of motivating myself to do this and actually do it. Thanks!

And congratulations to all my friends who ran the half-marathon, and the 5K for the Bearathon! I'm super impressed and proud of you! :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I like to have conversations. Yes, I actually do. But recently, I've been somewhat on the backseat of making conversations. I have conversations, but I don't make an effort to start one. This made me realize something. The impact of just saying hi and starting a conversation with someone can totally alter their day. How? By showing that you care for someone so much that you say hi and ask how their day is going.

I also realized that sometimes I have to do that to. I have to reach out to people and tell them hi and ask how their day is going. I was talking to my friend, Danielle, last night of how I realized last night how much words can impact a person. One of our mutual friends, Jerry, spoke at RUF last night. So Danielle and I went up to him and told him that he did a really good job for his first time preaching. I could see in his face how much he appreciated those words of encouragement.

Words can be encouraging, but they can also tear down just as much as they can uplift. Sarcasm can be taken in the wrong way, and gossip can tear down someone without them knowing, but in the eyes of others. Since coming to college, I have come to realize the double edged sword I wield, that everyone wields, is very temperamental, causing harm or uplifting attitudes at any given moment.

My decision is to listen carefully to what I am saying when I talk with my friends. I hope that my words will uplift them and not tear them down, that I might be able to verbally support them in everything they do and use my verbal skills to confront them when it is absolutely necessary. Hopefully, I will be able to accomplish this.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Little Red Leaf

I'm staring at my birthday card from one of my really great friends, who quoted one of the many other blogs she reads.
"See that one red leaf? That one little speck of red leaf? I imagine he was thinking, "What am I going to do with my one wild and precious life?" And he decided he was going to dare to be different. He declared his redness against that mess of plain ol' green because he's a bad-ass. Look at him rocking out his fabulousness. You go, little red leaf."
I believe we can all do this. For me, I'm gonna dare to be different than the rest of the world. I'm gonna dare to be red against all this plain ol' colors. Life knocks us down for being different sometimes, standing up against the flow of life. But I'm gonna get back up and keep going!

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Karate Kid (2010)

Life will knock us down, but we can choose whether or not to stand back up.
                                                     -Mr. Han, The Karate Kid (2010)


Right now, I'm sitting at a computer on the third floor of Moody in the monastery quiet level room. (If you don't know where it is, it's that big room that's through the big double glass doors, next to the Music Library.)

This thought came to me a little while ago when I was sitting at the lunch table with my friends. I was sitting at one end with my best friend, Kara, and my big brother, Charlie. He's not really my big brother, but he acts like my big brother, all protective, gives me advice and who I can text random stuff when I find something funny.

Kara is closer than a sister. I truly feel blessed to have her as my best friend here at Baylor. I don't know what I would do without her. Who would make me laugh at college when my sister back home used to do that?

Hannah still makes me laugh over texts. I feel closer to her than I have in a long time. I love going home to Bryan-College Station to see her and the rest of my family. It's getting close to Spring Break (well, for Baylor, at least) and I'm literally counting down the hours till my dad comes and gets me Friday afternoon. I miss my family when I'm away from home. That's kind of why I am so ready for Spring Break!

Friday, February 25, 2011

You are drivin' me nuthhhss!

"And remember, we come back with a crown...or one of us ain't coming back at all..."

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bandaid and Neosporin: how great can it get?!

Thank you, Cicily, for a laugh while trying to get through a Rhetoric paper!


Today is what's important, and I, for one, am glad you're here."
                              -Hetty Lange ("Tin Soldier" NCIS: Los Angeles, CBS)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

And Who says that Cats are bad....?

Cat versus Dalek...Priceless
Sent to me by my Best Friend from High School: Eric Williams. Thanks for the laugh, man!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Best Friends.

Some of the most important people (besides my family) are my best friends at Baylor. There is a huge long list, but I had to narrow this down for a blog post to give them a shout out, because I would not do any of my friends justice in one blog post.

My first best friend is Kara! She is loyal, loving, godly, patient, and so much more than words. She is truly my bestest friend in the entire world. Kara has been there for me in the tears and the joys. One thing that is so great about Kara is that she will never give me crap about anything. She won't put on a facade and lie to me about her day. She is a true friend, who is open and honest with me. And I love her to death! I'm glad to have found her in the first semester. We have best friend bracelets...yes, we did the teenage girl thing. =)

My second best friend, who has really been a joy and a blessing, is Danielle! Danielle, this semester, has become one of my closest friends. 1. Because she has the same last name as me. 2. We have come to the realization that there is a lot of her in me and a lot of me in her. 3. We share a love for Channing Tatum <3! 4. We are fans of Taylor Swift and our favorite song is Long Live. She also planned and hosted a birthday party for me. Danielle even made me a three tiered red velvet cake. She's also the best cook I know (besides my parents.)

I have many other best friends: Jamie, my friend with whom I have frequent jam fests in her car, mostly to the song  'Firework' by Katy Perry. =), Charlie, who is my big brother, Sarah, the first person I met at Baylor, and Katy, who is also like an older sister. These people are the most precious to me, because they have helped shape me into who I am today. There are more people, but it would take forever to blog about each one of them and do it justice.

So here's to all my best friends!!!!! I love ya'll! You guys are all amazing.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wendy Lee

Today is my mother's birthday.

Wendy Lee is an amazing woman. Not only is she my mother, she is also my best friend. She was also my teacher for the twelve grades (plus kindergarten and pre-k.) Today is her birthday. This is my shoutout to my mom.

This picture is probably my favorite of my parents, but especially of my mom. I don't know why, but when we taking pictures at Old Baylor in Independence, she started to laugh, and she couldn't stop. My mom actually started to cry because she was laughing so hard.

My mom is definitely the supermom of all moms. My guy friends who have all brothers say that their moms are supermoms, but I disagree. One, because I'm biased. ;-) Two, because my mom, not only raised four children (very different children, very headstrong children), she also gave us our education. She didn't send us to school. She took it upon herself to teach us everything she knows. That where I got my brains. ;-) Three, she also teaches art classes in her house. Four, she opens up her home to college students, graduate students, and young adults who need a home to go to, to eat, to sleep, to talk, to sing, to do basically everything. Five, because she's my mom, no questions, end of story, period.

I love my mom and I want to wish her the most happiest of Birthdays ever!!!! Love you, mom! And I really miss you!

My beautiful mother!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Country Strong or Texas Strong! :)

My friend, Jamie Buster, started singing Country Strong and Summer Girl from the movie, Country Strong. And she successfully got the songs stuck in my head. So I'm gonna share my favorite songs. And write about them tomorrow after classes.

"Country Strong" by Gwyneth Paltrow (yes, she actually sings this and yes, she does sound good.)

"Summer Girl" by Leighton Meester

"Words I Couldn't Say" by Leighton Meester

And Finally: "Coming Home" by Gwyneth Paltrow

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Let Him Fly, my thoughts

Tonight, the BDC showcased their dances to an advisor for constructive criticism to clean and perfect before the Spring Show. 

One of the dances I will be performing is called "Let Him Fly" and it is sung by Patty Griffin, not the Dixie Chicks and not Jessica Simpson. 

There is a raw, untempered emotion in the way Patty Griffin sings this song. It doesn't sound auto-tuned or trained, it sounds like she is singing from her heart and doesn't care whether she sounds good or not. We know she does want to sound good. But the created sound resonates from her heart, not her lungs, not her throat, but from her heart. (Please listen to the Youtube video, before reading the rest. It makes a lot more sense if you listen to it first.)

Ain't no talkin to this man
Ain't no pretty other side
Ain't no way to understand the stupid words of pride
It would take an acrobat, and I already tried all that so
I'm gonna let him fly
Things can move at such a pace
The second hand just waved goodbye
You know the light has left his face
But you can't recall just where or why
So there was really nothing to it
I just went and cut right through it
I said I'm gonna let him fly

There's no mercy in a live wire
No rest at all in freedom
Of the choices we are given it's no choice at all
The proof is in the fire
You touch before it moves away
But you must always know how long to stay and when to go

And there ain't no talkin to this man
He's been tryin to tell me so
It took awhile to understand the beauty of just letting go
Cause it would take an acrobat, I already tried all that
I'm gonna let him fly
I'm gonna let him fly
I'm gonna let him fly 

There is an angst to this song. And the choreographer tried to explain this to us the last rehearsal before we showcased it. She told us that two girls had the concept of the angst and were showing it in their emotions on their face and in their movements. 

Then the choreographer pointed at me and told me that I had almost had the concept. So ever since that moment, I've been trying to discover what that emotion, what that concept of angst is. What has happened in my life that I can pull from to channel when I'm performing this dance?

I was talking to a friend at lunch this morning before others came and I told him about this angst emotion in the dance. I told him how the choreographer told me I almost had the angst...and then my friend suggested to think about my ex-boyfriend. I thought that was hilarious because my ex-boyfriend and I are good friends for having broken up a month ago. 


The more I think about the lyrics and the movements, I begin to see that my friend was right. In order to perform this dance with its full potent and raw emotion, I need to be channeling the emotion of that night...a month ago. I need to channel all that raw emotion I felt that week following, of the sadness and then the want to let it all go, and not cry anymore. I needed to let everything fly, including him. I still do.

To quote Patty Griffin, it did take awhile to understand the beauty of letting him go. Because, at the end of the song, you didn't have to be an acrobat. You can just let the whole thing fly. The night, the man, the feelings. You can be free. 

At least, that's what I'm gonna do. 


Monday, February 7, 2011

Let Him Fly

This is Day Four of rehearsal for the Baylor Dance Company Spring Show. The dances I am in are called "Let Him Fly" and "Made for You." They are so much fun. So I couldn't figure out a way to get the videos on my blog so I decided to just post the links from Facebook.

"Let Him Fly"!/video/video.php?v=1243753024130&subj=581796661

"Made for You"!/video/video.php?v=1243204290412&subj=581796661

So I'm actually filming the "Made for You" one because my hamstring hated me that day.

So tell me what you think of the dances. :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Serving...with a Selfish Heart

Serving. What is serving? What is true serving for Christians? How do you know what is true serving? How can we, as Christians, differentiate between serving with a loving heart and serving from a selfish motive to made one look good?

This topic came from today's church sermon by Jeff Hatton, the pastor of my church, Redeemer, in Waco. He took his sermon from Galations 5:13-15, prefaced by Galations 5:1.

 1For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
13For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. 14For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." 15But if you bite and devour one another, watch out that you are not consumed by one another.
                                                           -Galations 5:1,13-15 (ESV).

So, in the service, Jeff talked about loving each other, by serving your neighbor. And then my friend asked me about being selfish when serving. Because she definitely didn't want to play a animated game with a young boy she was babysitting for 3 hours, but she did because the boy loves the game and my friend loves the boy. So, of course she was going to serve his family and him by playing 3 hours of this game.

Serving with a begrudging heart is different than serving with a selfish motive. So what then is a selfish motive?

I believe a selfish motive would be the heart desire to do something that makes you look good to the eyes of men. This is not loving your neighbor as yourself. This is loving your reputation and image more than yourself as a person with a wish to love your neighbor as yourself. 

In verse 13 of the Galations passage, the word "opportunity" is a militaristic word in the Ancient Greek text (Jeff Hatton). It means the start of an assault. As Christians, we must look for that opening, but to serve our neighbors through our love for them.

This, I believe, is true service. I don't think that it is bad to have a reluctant heart when serving, but I do think that it's bad to serve with only the thought to better yourself through the service. 

This is a shorter blog post and I apologize for it. I just want to thank all those who read my blog. It makes me very happy to hear that people like to read what I have to say. :)

My quote for the day: "For every man, there is a purpose which he sets up in his life. Let yours be the doing of all good deeds" ~Robin Hood, BBC (as portrayed by Jonas Armstrong).

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Best Day of my far! :-)

Thursday night, February 3, 2011 at 10 o'clock at night, snow fell down from the sky in Waco, Texas and actually stuck to the ground. Let's just say I was a little excited. Okay, that's the understatement of the year. I was very excited.

Friday, all day, February 4, 2011, I woke up to the text and email that school was canceled. I made plans with my friends to meet them for lunch and then took an hour nap. Saving my energy, that's how I put it. At 11 o'clock, I met all my friends for lunch at Brooks on the Baylor campus. It was the best. My guy friends, Charlie and Matt, asked me a question about what makes a man, besides the physicality aspect.

What makes a man a man is being a protector. Protector of his girl, his female friends, his family, his reputation, everything. That's what makes a man a man. Because I see it in all my guy friends and in my brother and my father. They all have this protective spirit that will go above and beyond to protect the ones that they care for. But it's a different sort of protector than the girls have. The girls have a protective motherly spirit which wishes to care for their loved ones when they are sick or hurting. Guys protect their loved ones from the bad men and bigger things than illness. That's what makes a man a man.

So after that deep conversation the whole group: Matt, Brett, Charlie, Davis, Cameron, my best friend, Kara, and myself all walked over to Collins Parking Garage where we proceeded to throw snow balls at one another. We were expecting several others: the 411 girls: Sarah, Caroline and Cassie, Matt's girlfriend: Laura, and my other guy friends: Andrew, Jerry, and Trent. My other best friend Jamie was coming too. It was going to be epic. The first group planned an ambush on the second group, unfortunately, it kinda backfired on us.

Anyways, my accomplishments that day were: whitewashing Brett "New England Style" (I learned best from my Uncle Vernon), several headshots on my guy friends (they were hard to get because they moved all the time) and whitewashing several other of my guy friends like Charlie, who I adopted as my "older brother", Matt, who's also like my brother, and my friend, Jerry. Okay, so I got all three a couple times. I couldn't really get Cameron, because he's so tall, but I did get him in the ear several times. He complained that I was the only one who got him in the ear. I highly doubt it.

So after we are all worn out from the snowball fight, we went back to our respective homes to dry off and reconvene to watch Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, one of my all time favorite movies/books. We watched it at my friend's, Jerry's house. To be totally honest, I nearly fell asleep because I was so tired from the epic snow ball fight. After eating at one of the best pizza places in Woodway, we went back and hung out at Jerry's place.

Jerry read to Matt and me the first chapter of this book that he's writing. It was very good. I was very impressed that there was that much feeling and pain just in those words. It made me want to cry. But I hate crying so I didn't end up crying. Plus I swore never to cry in front of my guy friends. One, it confuses them and they don't know what to do with it. Two, I hate crying in public because I hate appearing weak. I know, it's a fault of mine.

Then we went to a late showing of The King's Speech. The movie was amazing. It was well done, and the actors were brilliant. There was British humor, which is my favorite. British humor is dry and very very subtle, so you have to catch it the first time, or else you feel dumb when it's explained to you. But the movie was very good. Colin Firth did an amazing job, personifying the Duke of York, or King George VI. Geoffrey Rush was his speech therapist, Lionel, and Helena Bonham Carter as George VI's wife. It was absolutely fantastic and you should go see it.

After this long, wonderful day, I managed to climb the stairs of my dormitory and fall into bed, thinking of what time I had to be up before I had to be up for dance rehearsal for Baylor Dance Company ( which does not perform at Basketball games. That is the Baylor Dance Team, and it quite different. )

Thinking of Lord of the Rings, always makes me think of this quote by Samwise Gamgee. The character says this quote at the very end after the Ring is tossed into the fires of Mount Doom and all hope for the heroes seem lost because they are trapped in the fiery wasteland with no hope of escape.

"It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger, they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn't. They kept going. Because they were holding on to something... there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo... and it's worth fighting for." ~Sam Gamgee

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My Favorite Song: I'm Still Here (Jim's Theme) by John Rzeznik

I am a question to the world
Not an answer to be heard
Or a moment that's held in your arms

And what do you think you'd ever say
I won't listen anyway
You don't know me
And I'll never be what you want
Me to be

And what
Do you think you'd understand
I'm boy, no, I'm a man
You can't take me
And throw me away

And how
Can you learn what's never shown
Yeah, you stand here on your own
They don't know me
'Cause I'm not here

And I want a moment to be real
Want to touch things I don't feel
Wanna hold on and feel I belong

And how can the world want me to change
They're the ones that stay the same
They don't know me
'Cause I'm not here

And you see the things they never see
All you wanted - I could be
Now you know me
And I'm not afraid

And I want to tell you who I am
Can you help me be a man
They can't break me
As long as I know who I am

And I want a moment to be real
Want to touch things I don't feel
Wanna hold on and feel I belong

And how can the world want me to change

They're the ones that stay the same
They can't see me
But I'm still here

They can't tell me who to be
'Cause I'm not what they see
Yeah, the world is still sleepin' while I keep on dreaming for me
And their words are just whispers and lies that I'll never believe

And I want a moment to be real
Want to touch things I don't feel
Wanna hold on and feel I belong
And how can you say I'll never change
They're the ones that stay the same
I'm the one now
'Cause I'm still here

I'm the one
'Cause I'm still here
I'm still here
I'm still here
I'm still here

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Life Lessons behind Taylor Swift and Legally Blonde the Musical

"This chip on my shoulder makes me smarter and bolder. No more whining or blaming, I am reclaiming my pride. Grab that book and let's do this, instead of doodling hearts all through this. Now, there's a chip on my shoulder. Let's see him knock it aside." - Elle Woods, Legally Blonde the Musical.

"'Cause when you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you
You're gonna believe them
And when you're fifteen, don't forget to look before you fall
I've found time can heal most anything
And you just might find who you're supposed to be
I didn't know who I was supposed to be at fifteen." - Taylor Swift, "Fifteen".

Life lessons behind country chick songs and a musical that surprises everyone. Who would have thought that Legally Blonde the Musical would have something to contribute to some of the most important life lessons in my personal life. This excerpt is from the song "Chip on My Shoulder." It's the self-motivating song that I use whenever I'm trying to work through studying or through a NYT report. 

When I begin to give up, I remember this line: "With the chance I've been given, I'm gonna be driven as hell. Though, I can't take the day off, I just think of the pay off. You need a chip on your shoulder, Little Miss Woods comma Elle!" This line is from the same song and Emmett sings it. It definitely gets me through whenever I think of my mom and dad giving me everything I need in order to get through college. I am forever grateful for the chance I've been given.

From the Taylor Swift, it applies to all girls and even some guys. We've all gone through that first heartbreak. And trust me, it sucks. But you have to keep going through life, but you do have to look before you fall. My friend, when she listens to this line, always says, rather loudly, "I thought I did!" I thought I looked too, but I can't thank God enough for being a divine sovereign God who doesn't let us fall too far. He will also point me in the direction that I need to go in order to find out who I'm supposed to be.

That line is also a very good line because we never know who we are at 15. We might think we know who we are, but we don't. I'm still trying to figure out who I am and I'm turning 19 in 23 days. I have a general idea of where I want to go and where I want to be in 4 years, but I don't know who I am or who I will be. College changes you. Believe me. I was not as extroverted in high school as I am now. Finding out who you are supposed to be takes more than high school and college. It might take my entire lifetime to figure out who I am as a person and who I want to be and who I want other people to see me as. But as long as I never forget Whose I am, I think life will be all right.

You helped me find my way
There's still so much to learn
So many dreams to earn
But even if I crash and burn ten times a day

I think I'm here to stay
I'm gonna find my way

-Elle Wood, Legally Blonde the Musical "Find My Way"

A Cold Day

So today the high temperature was 26 degrees, according to All I wanted to do this morning was to turn off my alarm, roll over and go back to sleep. But no, all school in the area, including the community college, were closed, except my university. The ten minute walk to the science building from my dorm was reduced to seven minutes. There's only one explanation. It was cold. It was flipping cold this morning. When I returned to my warm dorm room, I got to see my roommate before we both had to leave for lunch. She laughed at my cold wind-burned face. 

At lunch, my friends and I were all sitting at a table and my roommate called me. "It's snowing!!" She said. I walk over to the glass door. "It's not snowing," I replied. "Look carefully!" Sure enough there were little flakes of snow coming down from the overcast sky. Sure, it wasn't a snow flurry, and certainly not enough to cancel classes. But we can always hope. 

But the cold weather definitely doesn't make me want to do anything except sit curled up with my books and read. Although I feel that my brain is frozen, I think I can still get some reading done. :)

"And the choice we make at these moments define us for eternity" - Robin Hood BBC

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Verse of the Day

Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe.- 1 Timothy 4:12 (NASB).

Sunday's a Good Day

For me, studying French can be frustrating. One, because it's studying and I don't really want to do it. Two, because I'm super tired from dance practice and it's hard to concentrate when I just want to be a couch potato and not do anything. But when I look back on today, I feel that I can get through studying till 11. Maybe after this blog. :)

Anyways, at my church this morning, I was in the car with one of my friends and one of the moms in the church walks by with her three girls. She comes to say hi to my friend and then asks me if I'm Tori. I told her yes ma'am and she told me that Saturday after everyone from my campus ministry group left after the cookout we had at their home, her daughters asked her who, of the college students, was her favorite. After informing her three daughters that all the students were her favorite, they proceeded to tell her that I was their favorite. Just for the record, that conversation definitely made my day.

This morning when I woke up, I found that I had a round brownish colored bruise on my right shoulder. It didn't take me more than a second to realize where I got it from. In dance rehearsal yesterday, the choreography for the dance called for a shoulder roll. So we did a lot of shoulder rolls. Unfortunately, that means boney little Tori's shoulder was going to get sore and bruised. Nonetheless, I was very proud of my bruise and proceeded to show off my bruise to any who would listen to my story. Many of my athletic friends understood my pride of my "battle scar" because they too have had several "battle scars." 

Looking forward to this week. It looks like it will be busy, but a good one. There is a NYT report due this week so...maybe a good week after that. :D

Friday, January 28, 2011

First Blog Entry

So I got this idea from a couple friends, but the encouragement for this really came from my friend, Danielle, who said that she would read my blog if I started one. :) So I guess my first entry would be about why I want to write this blog. 

The first idea for this entry was to talk about the title, but then I remembered the first title that I wanted to use: "Fighting Dragons." Fighting Dragons, for me, is my analogy of my struggles in life. As a first year college student, there were definitely tons of struggles. I won't bore you, but I definitely found that as I entered my second semester, I've become more skilled in fighting dragons and it's only because of God that I have the strength, will, and passion to do this. 

The title that I ended up using is "Dancing Through Life." I chose this name because I am a dancer. I am currently a member of a dance company. And I love it so much. At the first rehearsal, we did an improv circle. It felt so good to just let go and let the music take you. I didn't know what I was doing because I was letting the music govern what movements I did. On a daily basis, you can find with my ear phones on listening to my favorite music like Mumford & Sons, John Rzeznik, A Fine Frenzy, and William Fitzsimmons. Music is apart of my life, ever since I was in grade school. Music is a gift, so enjoy!

"When your life is governed by music, it's hard NOT to dance" - me