In World Cultures III, we are going through the age of Enlightenment and going into Modernity. Tomorrow's readings are reports about the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings. One of the authors asks this question in an example. Imagine there is a war, a huge war and what if the only way that it come to end soon (no definite end, only soon) is for us to kill hundreds of thousands of children...and only then, we could probably end the war, saving more lives than the hundreds of thousands of children (Mapping of the Modern World 134).
It seems to me that this question is always going to be asked, especially in the time of war. But being the Doctor Who nerd that I am, I see this as the question that the Doctor has to answer a thousand times over. Captain Jack Harkness has a similar situation where he has to also deal with the gray area in a time of crisis. The Doctor has to give up something dear in order to preserve the safety of the rest of the beings on earth. Jack has to do the exact thing in Children of Earth. He has to decide whether to let 10% of all the children of the earth to go and become victims of the 456 (creepy alien) or sacrifice someone close and dear to him. This is another gray area in life where you need wisdom more than anything. It's a hard situation and near impossible to know what you would do in such a position. I honestly hope that I am never put in a position where I have to make such a decision because I am sure that I will make the selfish choice rather think of the greater good of the world.
Tori talking about Dr Who, did they release a movie at the end of 2011?