Saturday, June 4, 2011

Doctor Who

Something you probably already know about me, but I'm going to tell you anyways is that I love the UK science-fiction show, Doctor Who. I absolutely adore that show. My favorite Doctor is David Tennant's Doctor, the 10th regeneration of the Doctor. However....Matt Smith is amazing! Season 6 is blowing my mind!!! Season 5 did a great job introducing Matt Smith to the world, but Season 6 is moving forward at such a fast pace, it is truly amazing me.

Matt Smith is most definitely my second favorite Doctor. However, it is becoming a rather close second to David Tennant.

If you haven't already, make sure you watch "Rebel Flesh" and "The Almost People." These two episodes have been the best so far of Season 6, but all the episodes have been amazing so far. Each week, I count down to Saturdays when Doctor Who airs on BBC America.

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