Monday, March 14, 2011

Little Red Leaf

I'm staring at my birthday card from one of my really great friends, who quoted one of the many other blogs she reads.
"See that one red leaf? That one little speck of red leaf? I imagine he was thinking, "What am I going to do with my one wild and precious life?" And he decided he was going to dare to be different. He declared his redness against that mess of plain ol' green because he's a bad-ass. Look at him rocking out his fabulousness. You go, little red leaf."
I believe we can all do this. For me, I'm gonna dare to be different than the rest of the world. I'm gonna dare to be red against all this plain ol' colors. Life knocks us down for being different sometimes, standing up against the flow of life. But I'm gonna get back up and keep going!


  1. Ahhhh love it! Let's do it. Here we go standing up against the odds together.

  2. Fighting Dragons....that's standing against the odds, Danielle!!!
