Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Best Friends.

Some of the most important people (besides my family) are my best friends at Baylor. There is a huge long list, but I had to narrow this down for a blog post to give them a shout out, because I would not do any of my friends justice in one blog post.

My first best friend is Kara! She is loyal, loving, godly, patient, and so much more than words. She is truly my bestest friend in the entire world. Kara has been there for me in the tears and the joys. One thing that is so great about Kara is that she will never give me crap about anything. She won't put on a facade and lie to me about her day. She is a true friend, who is open and honest with me. And I love her to death! I'm glad to have found her in the first semester. We have best friend bracelets...yes, we did the teenage girl thing. =)

My second best friend, who has really been a joy and a blessing, is Danielle! Danielle, this semester, has become one of my closest friends. 1. Because she has the same last name as me. 2. We have come to the realization that there is a lot of her in me and a lot of me in her. 3. We share a love for Channing Tatum <3! 4. We are fans of Taylor Swift and our favorite song is Long Live. She also planned and hosted a birthday party for me. Danielle even made me a three tiered red velvet cake. She's also the best cook I know (besides my parents.)

I have many other best friends: Jamie, my friend with whom I have frequent jam fests in her car, mostly to the song  'Firework' by Katy Perry. =), Charlie, who is my big brother, Sarah, the first person I met at Baylor, and Katy, who is also like an older sister. These people are the most precious to me, because they have helped shape me into who I am today. There are more people, but it would take forever to blog about each one of them and do it justice.

So here's to all my best friends!!!!! I love ya'll! You guys are all amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my LRL. I don't even know what to say. Except this: I love you.
