So I'm a huge Avengers fan, scratch that, I'm a huge Joss Whedon fan. When I found out he was doing the Avengers movie, I just about had a fan heart attack! :) In celebration of the wonderful, awesome film, Avengers, I decided to do a little fan art of my own.
This was the first pencil drawing that was inspired by a cartoon version of Iron Man. He happens to be one of my favorite Avengers and my mother, who does art camps in the summer, was doing a super hero art camp and since she wasn't feeling very well, she asked me to do an example for that particular art camp.
This was a photocopy that I colored in with marker. I did this so that the students could see the succession of how they were going to complete their super hero project during the camp. I'm very proud of my Iron Man to say the least. My little sister begged me for a copy of the Iron Man and asked me to draw Captain America for one of her friends. You might be seeing a post about Captain America fairly soon, I hope!
Awesome cartoons.